Friday, December 15, 2006

The Digital Diaries!

1010101010...the binaries zip up all that is tapped on the keys! And actually that come from some part of the repository in our brain. The tiny notepad metamorphosed in to a word pad which in turn became the e-mail and now the blog!

The human ass is blessed for it now no longer moves. Or maybe it's nice the way it is. And boy oh boy, i never mentioned the latest entrant in the circuit: the cool dude - SMS! Aha, there he is! There isn't any pessimism when I say all this. I use most of them, infact all of them and with gusto. But nevertheless its happening! And how.

The airwaves have emerged triumphant and the cell sites outnumber the frequency spectrum. So you might be a celebrity in your inbox, you are still guessing who lives just two apartments away! The postman is no longer awaited with bated breath and the telegram no longer asks for anxious moments.

Of changes and all, this renaissance is not that bad too. It might have sped up things, hastened a few emotions, upturned a few moments, pulled out the sweetness of the lover in waiting, made a mother in the down country realise that her son is safe near the barbed wires, a few hours sooner but and a big but of all things it has made life easy if not comfy.

So until the human race is overtaken by something as revolutionary as say may be telepathic communication, thumbs up to the current scheme of things. Let the Digital Diaries clog the mammoth of world servers. Let the Digital Diaries refresh the human memories for eternities to come.

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